Suicide Prevention News

Complete Men

Complete Men provides individual support and programs for men to engage in men’s groups and related personal growth activities. The program was formed to support and inspire men of all ages to reach their full potential – to be fully engaged in their own lives and those of their families and communities.

Complete Men run 4 groups per week from the Gold Coast and Mullumbimby free of charge. The groups are run by 4 trained male facilitators. The Mullumbimby group which started in January this year is funded by the Tweed/Byron Suicide Prevention Program. Through the program facilitators have completed ASIST and SafeTALK training.

Since the restrictions with COVID-19 Complete Me are running their groups online with great success. The online format has allowed men the flexibility of attending other groups on different days.Complete men have a hotline, can provide referrals and run regular men’s groups. 

To find out more go to:

Feedback from Complete Men participant

I started coming to Men’s group because at the time my life had reached a crisis/tipping point like never before.. My marriage was practically over-due a decade long struggling with alcohol addiction. This lead me to feel worthless, isolated with very little to live for…

After the first meeting I realised straight away that I wasn’t alone. I observed authentic men speaking their truths while using the group protocols. This created a safe place for me to feel vulnerable to express my feelings of guilt and shame.
Since I’ve continued my men’s work by continuing to participate in the meeting and several different programs Complete Men offer. I now have many tools I can draw on to help me navigate my life and relationships. I am grateful to this group.

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