Welcome to The Family Centre Playgroup

The Family Centre Playgroup is a non-profit, community-based playgroup for Parents &/ Carers and their children aged 0-5 years. 

It is run by qualified early childhood educators who set up activities and play-based learning experiences. Children have fun, make new friends and develop through play. 

Parents &/ Carers are provided with opportunity to foster strong connections with their children, to meet other parents, make friends and share experiences and ideas.

Times and Locations

Monday 9.30am – 11.30am    

Pro One Tennis, Arkinstall Park Tweed Heads South

Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am    

Fingal Beach Reserve – other end of carpark from the surf club Marine Parade, FINGAL


Wednesday 10am – 12pm

Ballina – Kentwell Community Centre, 20 Bangalow Road, Ballina

Wednesday 9.30am – 11.30am    

The Family Centre Building
15-17 Frances St, TWEED HEADS

Thursday 9.30am – 11.30am    

Sacred Heart Church Hall
Corner of Waterloo & Queensland Rd MURWILLUMBAH (near Joey’s Pouch)

Thursday10am – 12pm    

 Water Lily Park, 1 Yamble Dr, Ocean Shores

What to bring

Water bottle, snack/lunchbox, sun safe clothes, hat, sunscreen, change of clothes

The Program

Attendance is free.

The educators set up Playgroup to start at 9:30am and the families are free to explore the play-based activities under parent/carer supervision.

Playgroup is packed up around 10.45am and all participants are asked to pitch in and help.

Children are invited to sit together for morning tea around. We ask for food not to be shared and any allergies to be notified.

We finish with group time on the mats and have fun singing together and sharing our Acknowledgment of Country. We encourage children to sit with parents &/ carers on the mat to share quality time together and role model social behaviours to instill readiness around preschool attendance in the future. We finish Playgroup with our Goodbye song and a high five for our educators. See you next week!

We run the program for each week of NSW School Terms. We are not funded to run during NSW school holidays. We will let you know via SMS if Playgroup is cancelled.

Playgroup Terms and Conditions

All participants must sign-in each time they attend. Please stay within the group or sign out if you are leaving. This helps us planning sessions, apply for funding and keep everyone safe.

Each Parents &/ Carer is responsible for their own children’s supervision, behavior, and safety. If you need to leave the group for any reason please take your children with you. Please remember not to leave your child under the supervision of other participants or the Playgroup facilitators.

We are a government funded, non-profit, community-based group so all our equipment and locations are donated or funded. Please respect the environment and equipment.

Please do not attend if you or your children are sick. Stay at home and support the wellness of your community and yourselves if you have any symptoms.

We are strictly a NO PHOTOS group. We please ask you to not take any photos even if it is just of your child. We want to protect children and their families and welcome all members of our community to a safe environment.

Please respect our facilitators, educators, visitors and volunteers. We ask you to co-operate with facilitators to ensure our groups are safe and appropriate for all families. If you feel uncomfortable about any situation or other participant at playgroup please speak with the playgroup facilitators.

Information for Participants

How The Family Centre protects your privacy

Anything you tell our staff is strictly private and confidential. We will only disclose personal information if you give permission or if required or authorised to by law, for example to protect someone from harm.

Please see The Family Centre Privacy Statement for further details of how we manage your personal information and how to access your records, or to make a complaint about how we have handled your information.

Concerns, complaints, compliments and suggestions

We are committed to improving our services and invite you to provide feedback, or participate in service design discussions. You can visit, telephone, us our feedback form or write to us, to tell us what you think. 

If you have a concern or want to make a complaint, in the first instance please raise the matter with the staff member you have been dealing with. If you are not satisfied with the result or you do not feel comfortable raising the matter with the staff member directly, you should raise the matter with: 

Director People and Quality

  • by phone: 1800 211 154
  • by using our feedback form
  • letter: PO Box 6301 Tweed Heads South

If you are not satisfied with the response provided by The Family Centre, there are agencies who can help. 

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