What is the Tweed-Byron Suicide Prevention Action Plan
What is the Tweed-Byron Suicide Prevention Action Plan?
In 2016–2017, a new National Suicide Prevention Strategy established the National Suicide Prevention Trial.
The North Coast Primary Health Network established the Tweed-Byron Local Suicide Prevention Steering Committee, seeking to initiate and support local integrated approaches, strong engagement, and funding from multiple local stakeholders, to design and implement strategies, to reduce the prevalence of suicide in these communities.
Following on from initial work by the committee in 2016–2017, The Family Centre was contracted by NCPHN in June 2018 to lead the implementation of the Tweed-Byron Suicide Prevention Strategy.
Community consultation and collaboration has identified 5 priority areas that are informing and shaping a range of activities that will occur in the Tweed and Byron shires.
What are the priority areas established by the local community?
Priority one: Strengthen early intervention through schools
Priority Two: Improve crisis and aftercare support
Priority Three: Strengthen the capacity of general practices, frontline workers and professionals
Priority Four: Develop local, culturally appropriate strategies to identify and respond to those most at risk in the Tweed Aboriginal community
Priority Five: Train and equip the community to recognise and respond to suicide
For more information contact Hanna Thomas on the form below
This initiative has been made possible by funding from North Coast Primary Health Network