Information for Participants

Information for Participants

Life and relationships can get difficult for all of us at times. The Family Centre’s services are for children, young people, and families, and anyone in a family relationship. We encourage and inspire people to make the changes they want for themselves, their family and their community. 

Our staff can directly support you to make choices that best meet your needs and aspirations, or through the assistance of interpreters, advocates and appropriate written / visual materials. 

We are a social purpose, community owned organisation based on the North Coast of NSW.  Our brochure provides further information about our services and locations.

We welcome all cultures at The Family Centre. If you have any particular cultural or other needs, please let us know.   

Practice Principles

At The Family Centre, you can expect a consistent and high quality service that is informed by clear practice principles. 

How The Family Centre protects your privacy

Anything you tell our staff is strictly private and confidential. We will only disclose personal information if you give permission or if required or authorised to by law, for example, to protect someone from harm.

Please see The Family Centre Privacy Statement for further details of how we manage your personal information and how to access your records, or to make a complaint about how we have handled your information.

Concerns, complaints, compliments and suggestions

We are committed to improving our services and invite you to provide feedback, or participate in service design discussions. You can visit, telephone, us our feedback form or write to us, to tell us what you think. 

If you have a concern or want to make a complaint, in the first instance please raise the matter with the staff member you have been dealing with. If you are not satisfied with the result or you do not feel comfortable raising the matter with the staff member directly, you should raise the matter with: 

Director People and Quality

  • by phone: 1800 211 154
  • by using our feedback form
  • letter: PO Box 6301 Tweed Heads South

If you are not satisfied with the response provided by The Family Centre, there are agencies who can help. 

Reconciliation Action Plan

The Family Centre’s second Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an important continuation of our vision for social justice.  We recognise the unique place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and acknowledge them as Australia’s First People.  

At the heart of our RAP is a promise to build trusting, respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It’s a road map to guide our journey of reflection, learning, healing and action. We are committed to making a real contribution to true reconciliation.   

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