REALskills Primary Schools
relationships education & life skills in schools
REALskills Primary Schools
What is REALskills Primary Schools
REALskills stands for Relationship Education and Life Skills. REALskills Primary Schools program is designed and delivered by The Family Centre and consists of two school based programs, a positive parenting course and a school staff information session – see below. Through partnering with REALskills, schools can enhance their capacity to increase the wellbeing of all their students.
Who is it for?
Students in Years 4–6, their parents and teachers at participating public primary schools.
REALskills programs and courses
- ‘Super Me!’ is the first of the school-based programs and provides whole-of-class group sessions for children aged 9 – 12. Groups complete a 15-week program over two terms of the school year. The program aims to increase levels of resilience and safety for participating children and to increase the capacity of participating teachers to recognise and respond to the emotional needs of their students.
- ‘Prime To High’ is a three week peer designed transition to high school program for year 6 students. It aims to increase student’s resilience as they enter high school and explores changing friendship groups, peer pressure and increased study pressures.
- Soon They’ll Be Teenagers is a positive parenting course that provides information, tools and strategies for parents of 9–12 year olds. The program aims to assist parents to understand what is happening for their child during the pre-adolescent development stage and what to expect during adolescence. Assists parents to develop skills to improve communication, manage behaviour, support positive relationships, change established patterns and how to have ‘tough’ conversations.
- The staff information session aims to give all staff at participating schools an idea of what REALskills PS offers their students and parents and lets them know about the community organisations that are available in their area.
Feedback from Year 6 students about Prime to High
Feedback from Year 6 students about Prime to High
It has taught me how to deal with things that might happen in high school.
It was good to see how many people felt the same about high school that I do.
I liked discussing scenarios to get out of a situation you are uncomfortable with.
I learned what to do if you get peer pressured and bullied or if you have a big workload.
If I am ever in a tough situation, I need to find someone to tell or that has my back.
What is REALskills Primary Schools?
REALskills stands for Relationship Education and Life Skills. REALskills Primary Schools program is designed and delivered by The Family Centre and consists of two school based programs, a positive parenting course and a school staff information session – see below. Through partnering with REALskills, schools can enhance their capacity to increase the wellbeing of all their students.
Who is it for?
Students in Years 4-6, their parents and teachers at participating public primary schools in the 2484 postcode.
How does it support does it support young people and families?
- ‘Super Me!’ is the first of the school-based programs and provides whole-of-class group sessions for children aged 9 – 12. Groups complete a 15-week program over two terms of the school year. The program aims to increase levels of resilience and safety for participating children and to increase the capacity of participating teachers to recognise and respond to the emotional needs of their students.
- ‘Prime To High’ is a three week peer designed transition to high school program for year 6 students. It aims to increase student’s resilience as they enter high school and explores changing friendship groups, peer pressure and increased study pressures.
- Soon They’ll Be Teenagers is a positive parenting course that provides information, tools and strategies for parents of 9 – 12 year olds. The program aims to assist parents to understand what is happening for their child during the pre-adolescent development stage and what to expect during adolescence. Assists parents to develop skills to improve communication, manage behaviour, support positive relationships, change established patterns and how to have ‘tough’ conversations.
- The staff information session aims to give all staff at participating schools an idea of what REALskills PS offers their students and parents and lets them know about the community organisations that are available in the 2484 area.
When & where?
Murwillumbah Central PS, Murwillumbah East PS, Uki PS, Tyalgum PS, Stokers Siding PS, Burringbar PS, Chillingham PS, Crystal Creek PS, Dungay PS.
For further information contact us on (07) 5524 8711 or if you would like us to contact you please fill in the form