Rent Choice Youth

Rent Choice Youth

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The Family Centre, with Rent Choice Youth provides the opportunity for a young person to turn their life around by supporting them to find a job, enrol in educatin programs and engage with other support services, while living in safe and affordable housing.

What is the Rent Choice Youth Program?

Rent Choice is a private rental subsidy that helps pay part of a tenant’s rent for up to three years. It also helps the tenant set up and maintain a tenancy and connects them with training and employment opportunities.

Who is eligible for Rent Choice Youth?

  • A young person up to the age of 24 who is being supported by a Youth and Family Worker at The Family Centre
  • A young person on a low income or studying
  • A young person seeking a permanent tenancy and could be at risk of homelessness
  • A young person who is unable to maintain their current tenancy

How does it work?

For the first 12 months, the tenant will pay 25% of their weekly income plus 100% of any Commonwealth Rent Assistance. The rest is paid directly to the agent/landlord by the NSW Government. 

All Rent Choice Youth applicants are eligible for a  further $1500 on top of the initial bond to be put in trust for any unforeseen damage to the property. Both of these are paid by the NSW Government as a tenancy guarentee.

How will rent be received?

You will receive rental payments from two sources. These payments will be made in different cycles.

The tenant will pay their rent fortnightly. The tenant is responsible for paying 25% of their weekly income, plus all of their Commonwealth Rent Assistance as their contribution.

The NSW Government will pay the remainder of the monthly rent which will cover the rent for the upcoming month.

How does The Family Centre support the program?

The tenant will be supported during the 3-year period by a Youth and Family Worker from the Family Centre. This support is provided on a regular basis dependent on the needs of the young person.  The landlord/agent have direct contact with the Youth and Family worker to discuss any issues or problems with the tenancy. 

Benefits of choosing a Rent Choice Youth tenant

Guaranteed rent for 3 years

Extra $1500 in trust for any unforseen damages

Tenant supported by a Youth and Family Worker during the tenancy

You will be making a difference in a young persons life and future

The Family Centre Rent Choice Youth Program Grace’s Story...

Grace went into foster care at 8 years of age. When she was 16, Grace found herself homeless and couch surfing at friends houses. Through friends Grace got in contact with The Family Centre’s Connecting Home team. Initially she was accommodated in one of The Family Centre’s transitional houses while she completed Year 12.

With the support of the Youth and Family worker at The Family Centre she transitioned into the Rent Choice Youth program. Grace was eligible because she was studying towards a Diploma and she was also working part-time. After a couple of rental applications knock backs she meet with a local agent who gave her the opportunity to rent her first property.

She was only 17 when she started her lease 2 years ago. Now 19 Grace is still in the same property, has finished her studies and is looking for full time work in her industry.

Grace’s Youth and Family Worker is still supporting her and with along her managing agent is impressed with how Grace maintains the property and manages her finances to meet her tenancy commitments.

Because of the Rent Choice program Grace has a stable and safe home which has helped her to maintain employment and finish her studies.