Support and Development

Installation and Training

The Family Centre work with you to scope your needs prior to installation of the system for your service. Standard installation combines configuration and training customised for your organisation and includes working with your project team to:

  • add users and roles
  • develop your program management areas
  • fine-tune intake and allocation workflows for your organisation
  • set up your case types and case work timelines based on our pre-configured case types
  • build courses/event/activity and venue information for your service
  • add your local stakeholder organisations to the system
  • customise reports
  • assisting with DEX mappings

DevApp look after the technical aspects of hosting, email set up, sms set up, online payments, website integration, and setting up the DEX reporter including mappings and queries specific to your contracts.

Support and Development


Hosting and ongoing support is provided by DevApp. Support is accessed and documented via an easy to use ticketing system – With support provided via phone, email or Zoom video meetings with screen sharing.

Support includes hosting, security and management of regular CiviCRM updates and security updates. Support hours can also be used for changes to configuration, responding to training needs as they arise, and development specific to your organisation.


All CORIS members contribute to the CORIS system development fund annually. The fund is part of a cooperative approach to continually improve CORIS for the benefit of members. Members are encouraged to submit suggestions for improvements and changes to CORIS.


CORIS is a social enterprise of The Family Centre, developed in partnership with DevApp. The Family Centre use the software in our organisation, and we are highly engaged in the maintaining and developing CORIS. We have taken a cooperative approach by creating a membership collective where all members are able to contribute and benefit from all development undertaken.